Rizky nugraha
M. Yusuf
Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
karena berkat taufik serta hidayah-Nya, makalah ini dapat terselesaikan pada
waktunya. Makalah ini merupakan makalah tentang Bahasa Inggris yang bermanfaat
bagi Mahasiswa/I Akper maupun para pembaca umum.
Makalah ini sendiri di buat guna memenuhi
salah satu tugas kuliah dari dosen mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris dengan judul “
Adverbs of frequency”.
Namun, penulis
menyadari jika ada kekurangan dari hasil makalah ini. Penulis mengharapkan
kritik dan saran yang membangun dari berbagai pihak yang telah membaca makalah ini. Semoga tulisan ini
memberi informasi yang berguna bagi peningkatan dan pengembangan di bidang bahasa asing.
Semoga Allah SWT memberikan balasan yang
setimpal atas bimbingan serta arahan yang telah di berikan pada penulis.
Akhirnya, penulis mengucapkan Terimah Kasih dan semoga saja makalah ini dapat
bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Amin
Palembang, Desember 2014
A. Adverbs of Frequency
What is an adverb of frequency?
Adverbs that
change or qualify the meaning of a sentence by telling us how often or how
frequently something happens are defined as adverbs of frequency.
An adverb of
frequency is exactly what it sounds like – an adverb of time. Adverbs of
frequency always describe how often something occurs, either in definite or
indefinite terms. An adverb that describes definite frequency is one such as
weekly, daily, or yearly. An adverb describing indefinite frequency doesn’t
specify an exact time frame; examples are sometimes, often, and rarely.
These simple rules for adverbs of
frequency will help you to use them correctly:
Always use
adverbs of frequency to discuss how often something happens.
- Adverbs of frequency are often used to indicate routine or repeated activities, so they are often used with the present simple tense.
- If a sentence has only one verb, place the adverb of frequency in the middle of the sentence so that it is positioned after the subject but before the verb. For example: Tom never flies. He always takes the bus.
- When a sentence contains more than one verb, place the adverb of frequency before the main verb. For example: They have often visited Europe.
- When using an adverb of frequency in the negative or in forming a question, place it before the main verb. For example: Do you usually get up so late?
Examples of Adverbs of Frequency
Each sentence contains an example of
an adverb of frequency; the examples are italicized for easy identification.
The incubator turns each egg hourly.
We take a vacation at least once annually.
I usually shop for groceries
on Saturday mornings.
He is often late for work.
We seldom see John.
My dentist told me I should floss
twice daily.
B. Adverbs of Frequency List
This list of adverbs of frequency
contains many of the most common; keep in mind though that there are many other
words which can serve in this capacity.
Adverbs of indefinite frequency tell us how often something happens.
Common examples are: always, ever, usually, normally, often, frequently, seldom, never
Common examples are: always, ever, usually, normally, often, frequently, seldom, never
a. I am never late for school.
b. Have you ever been to the US?
c. I often sleep late.
b. Have you ever been to the US?
c. I often sleep late.
Position of Adverbs
Adverbs of indefinite frequency go in mid position. They are normally placed after the auxiliary verbs and before other verbs. When there are two auxiliary verbs, the adverb goes after the first.
a. I always get up early. (adverb + main verb)
b. I am seldom late for work. (is/am/are/was/were + adverb)
c. We frequently visit them. (adverb + main verb)
d. I often read comics. (adverb + main verb)
e. I have never seen a dolphin. (auxiliary verb + adverb + main verb)
a. I always get up early. (adverb + main verb)
b. I am seldom late for work. (is/am/are/was/were + adverb)
c. We frequently visit them. (adverb + main verb)
d. I often read comics. (adverb + main verb)
e. I have never seen a dolphin. (auxiliary verb + adverb + main verb)
1. Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally can also go at the beginning or end of a clause.
a. We visit them occasionally.
b. Often we trust the wrong person.
a. We visit them occasionally.
b. Often we trust the wrong person.
2. Always, ever, rarely*, seldom* and never can go only in mid position.
a. They never admitted their fault.
b. You can always trust him.
a. They never admitted their fault.
b. You can always trust him.
However, always and never can begin imperative clauses.
a. Always look before you leap.
b. Never ask her about her age.
a. Always look before you leap.
b. Never ask her about her age.
3. Rarely and seldom can also go at the end of a sentence (often with "very"):
a. We see them rarely.
b. John eats meat very seldom.
a. We see them rarely.
b. John eats meat very seldom.
Question Words
We use question words to ask
certain types of questions (question word
questions). We often refer to them as WH
words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).
The list Of Wh- Question
1. What (apa)
Menanyakan nama benda, nama orang atau jenis profesi.
~ What is that? That is an apple.
~ What are you? I am a soldier.
~ What is your name? My name is Ivanka.
Menanyakan nama benda, nama orang atau jenis profesi.
~ What is that? That is an apple.
~ What are you? I am a soldier.
~ What is your name? My name is Ivanka.
2. Who (siapa)
Menanyakan orang sebagai pelaku/subject.
Memiliki rumus khusus:
Who + verb + O ? atau Who + to be + S ?
~ Who are you? I am Joko Pinurbo.
~ Who writes the letter? Martin does.
~ Who is very beautiful? Agnes Monica is very beautiful.
Menanyakan orang sebagai pelaku/subject.
Memiliki rumus khusus:
Who + verb + O ? atau Who + to be + S ?
~ Who are you? I am Joko Pinurbo.
~ Who writes the letter? Martin does.
~ Who is very beautiful? Agnes Monica is very beautiful.
3 Whom (siapa)
Menanyakan orang sebagai object.
Whom do you meet? I meet Inul Daratista.
Whom is she looking for? She is looking for Brian Safina.
Menanyakan orang sebagai object.
Whom do you meet? I meet Inul Daratista.
Whom is she looking for? She is looking for Brian Safina.
4. Whose (milik siapa)
Menanyakan pemilik suatu benda.
~ Whose bag is this? This is my bag.
~ Whose sister is the girl? She is my sister.
Menanyakan pemilik suatu benda.
~ Whose bag is this? This is my bag.
~ Whose sister is the girl? She is my sister.
5. Why (mengapa)
Menanyakan alasan atau penyebab terjadinya sesuatu.
~ Why do you come late? Because I missed the bus this morning.
~ Why is Mrs. Julia very healthy? Because she does sport every morning.
~ Why do you love me? Because you are very rich.
Menanyakan alasan atau penyebab terjadinya sesuatu.
~ Why do you come late? Because I missed the bus this morning.
~ Why is Mrs. Julia very healthy? Because she does sport every morning.
~ Why do you love me? Because you are very rich.
6. Where (di mana)
Menanyakan tempat.
~ Where does Alicia study? She studies in SMPN 03 Wonogiri.
~ Where do you go every day? I go to school every day.
~ Where is the library? The library is beside the hall.
Menanyakan tempat.
~ Where does Alicia study? She studies in SMPN 03 Wonogiri.
~ Where do you go every day? I go to school every day.
~ Where is the library? The library is beside the hall.
7. When (kapan)
Menanyakan waktu.
~ When does Alfian get up? He gets up at five o’clock every morning.
~ When did you go to Eromoko? I go to Eromoko last week.
~ When do you go to school? I go to school at 06.30.
Menanyakan waktu.
~ When does Alfian get up? He gets up at five o’clock every morning.
~ When did you go to Eromoko? I go to Eromoko last week.
~ When do you go to school? I go to school at 06.30.
8. Which (yang mana)
Menanyakann pilihan.
~ Which is your car? My car is the red one.
~ Which is his sister? His sister is the girl in blue jacket.
Menanyakann pilihan.
~ Which is your car? My car is the red one.
~ Which is his sister? His sister is the girl in blue jacket.
9. How (bagaimana)
Menanyakan kondisi atau keadaan.
~ How are you? I’m fine. Thanks.
~ How is Reyna’s school? Her school is large and clean.
Menanyakan kondisi atau keadaan.
~ How are you? I’m fine. Thanks.
~ How is Reyna’s school? Her school is large and clean.
10 How many (berapa banyak)
Menanyakan jumlah (jika yang ditanyakan berupa countable nouns/kata benda yang bisa dihitung).
~ How many students are there in the class? There are forty students.
~ How many brother do you have? I have three brothers.
Menanyakan jumlah (jika yang ditanyakan berupa countable nouns/kata benda yang bisa dihitung).
~ How many students are there in the class? There are forty students.
~ How many brother do you have? I have three brothers.
11. How much (berapa banyak)
Menanyakan jumlah (jika yang ditanyakan berupa uncountable nouns/kata benda yang tak bisa dihitung).
~ How much money does it cost? It costs one thousand rupiah.
~ How much sugar do you want? A spoon of sugar, please.
Menanyakan jumlah (jika yang ditanyakan berupa uncountable nouns/kata benda yang tak bisa dihitung).
~ How much money does it cost? It costs one thousand rupiah.
~ How much sugar do you want? A spoon of sugar, please.
12. How often (berapa sering)
Menanyakan seberapa sering orang melakukan sesuatu.
~ How often does Anita go to Malaysia? She goes to Malaysia twice a week.
~ How often do you speak to your father? I speak to him every day.
Bisa juga menggunakan How many times.
How many times do you eat? I eat three times a day.
Menanyakan seberapa sering orang melakukan sesuatu.
~ How often does Anita go to Malaysia? She goes to Malaysia twice a week.
~ How often do you speak to your father? I speak to him every day.
Bisa juga menggunakan How many times.
How many times do you eat? I eat three times a day.
13 How far (berapa jauh)
Menanyakan jarak suatu tempat dengan tempat lainnya.
~ How far is this school from your house? It’s about 5 kilometers.
Menanyakan jarak suatu tempat dengan tempat lainnya.
~ How far is this school from your house? It’s about 5 kilometers.
14. How old (berapa umur/usia)
Menanyakan usia seseorang.
~ How old are you? I am 20 years old.
~ How old is Mrs. Riana? She is 37 years old.
Menanyakan usia seseorang.
~ How old are you? I am 20 years old.
~ How old is Mrs. Riana? She is 37 years old.
15. How long (berapa lama)
Menanyakan lama waktu.
~ How long have you lived in Jogja? I have lived in Jogja for Five years.
Menanyakan lama waktu.
~ How long have you lived in Jogja? I have lived in Jogja for Five years.
16. How deep (berapa dalam)
~ How deep is the river? It’s about five meters.
~ How deep can he dive? He can dive 20 meters deep.
~ How deep is the river? It’s about five meters.
~ How deep can he dive? He can dive 20 meters deep.
17. How tall (berapa tinggi)
Menanyakan tinggi orang.
~ How tall are you? I am 165 cm tall.
~ How tall is Mr. Jack? He is 189 cm tall.
Menanyakan tinggi orang.
~ How tall are you? I am 165 cm tall.
~ How tall is Mr. Jack? He is 189 cm tall.
18. How high (berapa tinggi)
Menanyakan tinggi suatu benda.
~ How high is the mountain? It’s about 3686 meters high.
~ How high is the tree? It’s about 4 meters high.
Menanyakan tinggi suatu benda.
~ How high is the mountain? It’s about 3686 meters high.
~ How high is the tree? It’s about 4 meters high.
Use adverbs of frequency to say how
often you do something. Adverbs of frequency are often used with the present
simple because they indicate repeated or routine activities. For example
always, usually, sometimes, ever, never, rarely and seldom.
A term in generative grammar for a question that is formed with an interrogative word (what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where,
why, or how) and that
expects an answer other than "yes" or "no." Contrast with yes-no question
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